The 16 Card Design Challenge

Command & Strategy unleashes "The 16-Card Design Challenge." Can you design a game for Command & Strategy? To qualify for this challenge, your game may only include 16 cards (45x70mm, four color, back-printed), up to six dice, and no more than three pages of rules. The game must be on a historical subject (and if you created a very nice game but can't think of a subjuect, let us know and we help you). If your design is good enough it might one day appear in Command & Strategy and earn you a lifetime subscription!

First out in issue #4 will be Comrade Koba - The Stalinist Survival Game. Then, in issue #5 comes Wings over Arras. Your game may be hot on Wings's heels.

When your ground-breaking game is ready to be unleashed on the unsuspecing public, send an e-mail to and tell us about it. (Please do not send us piles of Word Perfect files before we ask for them.) Any other questions should also be sent to the editor of C&S.

Good Luck

We already have several interesting 16-card games lurking in the wings, among them games on Spartacus' Revolt, the Spanish Armada, the race for the South Pole and the Battle of Little Big Horn.


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