All Graphics is subject to Change.







  • For President 2008 The 2008 elections are a turning point in American history. The era of President George W. Bush will soon be over. Will Barack Obama bring “Change we can believe in”? Or will John McCain bring “Change we need”? Both similar sounding slogans stand for completely different concepts deciding which turn America’s policy will take in the future.

  • The Democrats and Republicans are divided by a deep gap of controversial political concepts. The economy, the war in Iraq, America’s dependence on oil imports, alternative energy concepts, and other major events which shaped the actual campaign are represented in a card driven game system.

  • In For President 2008 you take the role of Team Obama or Team McCain. The contest is fought out on an electoral map of the United States as it stands in 2008.

  • Preview Map: Both the candidates and their VP use markers in the game for their campaigns. Both teams can campaign in each state or make federal campaigns affecting national opinion. For President 2008 puts an emphasis on the battleground states that may decide the outcome of the elections. As with the real election, the challenge is to adapt your campaign strategy as the ground shifts beneath your feet. There are never enough resources and time is too short to do everything that needs to be done. You will have to make priority decisions about where to expend your efforts to propel yourself into the White House.

  • For President 2008 will also offer “What if” options. What if Hillary Clinton would be the Democrat Nominee? What if Hillary Clinton would be the Democrat VP and more…

  • For President 2008 will give YOU the opportunity to rewrite history or recreate it.

  • For President 2008 is not yet 100% finished. After the elections are over the final game set will be made to make sure that all events that decided this historical campaign will be in the game. But you can preorder it now and save money. As for the 2008 elections the fate of For President 2008 is still undecided.

  • For President 2008 will only be published if it scores enough preorders and “raises enough funds” to print the game. Vote with your money!

  • What happens with your money if the game will not be printed? UGG won’t charge your credit card until the game has made enough preorders. 500 preorders is what we need. Please help us with our campaign...

Game Designer Udo Grebe


Mounted Map


Die cut counters

110 playing cards



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