Command & Strategy Endless Subscription


Actual Issue

Command & Strategy Endless Subscriptions are our solution to magazine subscription issues that both companies and subscribers face. Essentially, signing up for an endless subscription puts you on a list which will receive every issue of the magazine you subscribe to until you tell us to stop. No risks for anyone involved! You don't need to worry about not getting your full subscription should something happen to UGG or we decide the magazine's useful life has ended, and we have the flexibility to change format and timing (and possibly price) as we deem necessary.

How is this possible? You will be charged on an issue by issue basis. New subscirbers are charged for the actual issue (costs 25,50€ + shipping). If you ordered games along with your new subscription the actual issue will be shipped with those games to help you save on shipping.

Current Subscribers won't be charged until the next issue is entering the printing process. Command & Strategy will no longer publish in a regular cylce after issue 7.

After a particular issue has entered the printing process an endless subscription cannot be cancelled for the issue that has entered the printing process. Your cancellation will affect the issues AFTER the one to be printed.

It will publish if we have enough perorders and endless subs AND we have the work done.

The pricing is + shipping and handling. UGG will apply the most inexepensive mass shipment available at the time the actual issue ships. Otherwise a standard shipment is default.

Being a subscriber of Command & Strategy will give you a 5% discount on game purchases as long your subscription remains uncancelled.

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Endless Deluxe Subscription

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